
Touch Screen - Rish Master 3440i / Rish Master 3440iDL : Class 0.2s

Touch screen graphics LCD

Rish Master 3440i/3440iDL has touch sensible color graphics LCD display with resolution of 320x240.

Active Energy - Class 0.2S as per IEC 62053-22

RTC (Real Time Clock) (RM440iDL)

Inbuilt real time clock for display of date and time, along with time stamping for data logging and Event recording.

Relay Output (Optional)

Potential free, very fast acting relay contact. Configurable as :

Pulse output which can be used to drive an external counter for energy measurement.

Limit (Alarm) switch. to trip one or two relays if the programmed parameter exceeds the programmed High & Low Limits.

RTC relay for RM3440iDL to control some instrument automatically over the period of a week repetitively.

Timer Relay Output for RM3440iDL to operate relay in cyclic manner.

Optional Analog Outputs ( 2 Outputs)

2 Analog outputs can be programmed from a list of input parameters.

Sag, Swell and Over Current (RM440iDL)

Sag, Swell and Over Current detection and storage for recent 30 such events with their date & time of detection, duration (min. 100 msec) and start and end phase indication of the corresponding event.

Direct remote access(Optional)

Remote configuration of the Instrument and access of measured parameter via Modbus or through Ethernet interface (Modbus TCP/IP).

Energy measurement

Active energy Import (kWh), Active energy export (kWh) Reactive energy Inductive(kVArh), Reactive energy capacitive(kVArh), & Apparent energy (kVAh). Any of the parameters can be freely assigned to 2 optional pulse outputs.

Programmable Energy format & Energy rollover count

Customer can assign the format for energy display on MODBUS (RS485) in terms of W, kW or MW. Additional to this, customer can also set a rollover count from 7 to 9 digits, after which the energy will roll back to zero. The above settings are applicable for all types of energy.